Rachel graduated from Florida State University, where she met the Navigators through her neighbor during her freshman year. Rachel has a huge heart to see men and women from every ethnic background pursue God and make his glory known globally.  Rachel enjoys traveling, mentoring women, exploring beautiful places, reading at coffee shops and every cultural experience. This will be Rachel's 17th year serving on staff with the Navigators.

mark and emma grace sumrall // co-campus directors

Mark & Emma Grace Sumrall met at Bible college in Chicago and got married after graduation in 2010. They now have two boys, Daniel and Ezekiel. The Sumralls have been on staff with The Navigators since 2013. They served at The University of Georgia for nine years before transitioning to Tampa and joining the USF team in 2023.

ELLYN LLUCH // world missions staff

Ellyn was born and raised in Tampa, moved to Minnesota for her college and campus ministry experience, and braved the cold there for nearly a decade, before realizing it was time to return home and defrost. She worked in college ministry during her last two years in the Twin Cities, and she is excited to continue investing in the lives of college students at USF. Ellyn desires to play her part in all peoples coming to know the good news of the Gospel and is passionate about equipping the next generation to do the same. She enjoys learning Spanish, roller blading, kayaking, travel, learning about different cultures, and a little healthy competition playing games.

Matt rodriguez // campus staff and Alumni director

Matt graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in civil engineering and was involved with the Navigators during his 4 and a half years there. He has worked as an engineer in the Tampa area before coming to work for the Navigators. Matt has a heart for developing and encouraging Gospel-centered community amongst students and his peers. He loves to travel, dance, collect records, play games, watch movies, and mentor guys.

Callie Robles // Staff in training

Callie first met the Navigators as a student at the University of South Florida, where she studied Behavioral Health and Psychology and graduated in 2020. She joined staff with the Navigators in 2021 and has served at FIU in Miami and USF in Tampa! Callie is passionate about helping people understand the beauty of being part of God's story and loves connecting with people from all backgrounds. She enjoys spending time with her husband Christian, learning about different cultures, thrifting, watching movies, and playing games & sports!


MJ attended the University of South Florida, where she met and was discipled by the Navigators. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in American Sign Language Interpreting. She is passionate about the Deaf Community and all communities yet to have a full Bible in their native tongue. She is excited to return to her alma mater and work on campus! MJ is excited to encourage students who were like her, stumbling through college trying to find their purpose in life, and point them to the Gospel and how much God loves them!